Sunday, 17 March 2013

Warwick Castle Half Marathon

Or a better title would be "the day I nearly dnfd for no reason"

The morning started with me not really feeling bothered or excited about the race which is a first in the one year and 3 months I have been running. Still I set off to Warwick castle and at least it wasn't snowing! Upon arriving the cars were directed to a large field and it was a short 5 minute walk to the race area where the toiltets, food and t shirt collection point was, after receiving my shirt I then made the journey back to the car which helped warm my cold feet up. On the way to the start I chatted to a few people one girl who although she had charged her watch all night kept saying the battery was flat and wouldn't turn on...nightmare! and another who told me I was mad for even thinking of running more than one half marathon per year. Shortly into the race I began to think she was right.

The start was all very confusing we came into a circular courtyard and were told to get in the pen that related to our estimated finish time, mine is anything between 2:08 and 2:30 but I wanted to get nearer 2 hours so I wouldn't get stuck like last time. The first sign I saw was sub 1:30 I didn't even know it was possible to run a half marathon that fast! then the next sign was between 2-3 hours and then 3 hours plus. Before I knew what I was doing I was being hearded along by a marshall directed to the start so just followed everyone else, big mistake. I ended up about 3 rows back from the start, I found myself surrounded by what can only be described as the elites that run a sub 1 hour 30! Yikes what had I done? My garmin also wouldn't pick up satellites as we were under alot of trees it kept teasing me by going up to 99% then back down to 50% I knew I had little chance of getting it going as I crossed the timing mat.

Away we went and boy we set of fast I wish my garmin had been working as I reckon the first mile I ran at 4 min mile pace... Elite I was until mile 2 when I felt like I was dying! This was not a good moment and I knew I had to start slowing down to my usual 10.30 pace. I finally picked up satelites but knew my miles and time were going to be out first mile logged at 9.19 pace still too fast, second mile logged at 9:31 still too fast not a lot I could do except try to slow down. The Elite soon were way in the distance and I was now surrounded with runners that quite frankly I felt I should be good to run along side but they just kept coming and I got overtaken by probably a thousand people, some old, some really old, some fat, some really fat, some thin some that looked like they weren't even meant to be there and this played havoc with my little brain and at mile 4 I actually considered dropping out. What the hell? You'd think this was a moment that would pass.. well at mile 8 I felt exactly the same I just couldn't get my legs to move they felt heavy I thought at one point I had injured myself but then realised this was me looking for an excuse not to carry on. From mile 6 it started raining and I was soaked through, I had my coat tied around my waist it wouldn't have made a difference if it was on me or not at this point. I had two tissues with me one for my snot rag and the other to wipe my glasses with (as yes I had forgot to put my contacts in) It didn't take long for me to drop my glasses wiper and had to resort to wiping my glasses with my snot rag Ewwwww!

Still at least I wasn't covered in bogies and being sick on myself like last week! I opted for jelly babies this time rather than gels. From mile 7 I was run walking, I could kick myself I've ran way over 13 miles before without stopping and couldn't help beating myself up over walking but hey at least I finished and didn't drop out. I didn't know what time I was going to finish with as Garmin was out of sync but rounding the final straight I saw the large digital timer and I finished in 2 hours 21 minutes not my worst and not my best but average which I will happily take.

So I went to Warwick Castle ran 13 miles covered in my own snot, got the t shirt, got my medal and then got stuck wheel spinning in the now very muddy field, took over an hour to get of the car park and onto the main road and then managed to get a 6 inch crack in my window screen on the way home. Nice.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Stafford 20 Mile

I was so excited about Stafford 20 miler not because I really enjoy running 20 miles lets face it honestly who does? But I was meeting my fellow Run For Funners! Carl and Sharon.

The night before I had packed ready including my new Spry running vest but was unsure whether to use it as I hadn't given it a good breaking in so packed my usual bum bag or fanny pack as Carl calls it. Setting off at 8.15am heading down the M5 the day was looking overcast and windy then the further I got down the M6 the snow began to fall and the wind picked up! I could tell this was going to be fun.
Arriving at the University was an adventure in itself as there was not one sign directing you for the race. I pulled into the Uni car park and was relieved to see running looking people getting out their cars. With the snow coming down fast I decided to whack my contact lenses in save wiping my glasses throughout the run and also decided to go with the fanny pack, gels at the ready, phone in waterproof case, music loaded I was ready to go.

Carl rocked up around 9.30am and we straight away went to find the race headquarters and the toilets. It was alot warmer inside than it was outside so we opted to stay in there for a while. A runner called Andi Jones was pointed out to us who was apparently super quick and would 100% win it. I was just hoping for a sub 4 hours as this was the time limit given and I was worrying the night before about timing per mile and even thought about pulling out. I was worried about the marshalls going home, the signs being taken down and me not receiving my memento at the finish, I didn't need to worry though as the memento which was a nice mug was being given out at the start when you flashed your race number.

We met up with Sharon and her husband Nigel from Run For Fun and the conversation quickly led onto what we would all be wearing considering the weather, we had options thrown around by loony carl - shorts and vest! Sharon was debating trousers, shorts and a long sleeve top and a vest and maybe a coat. I went with long sleeve top with vest on top, coat and gloves. It was chilly and still snowing!

I think all three of us were wondering just what we were about to do... run 20 miles in the snow? Really. We made our way outside to the start and we were off.
Disaster struck straight away when my phone decided to keep playing the same track over and over again for the first 3 miles! I couldn't get it to shuffle. The first 2 miles saw us running up a main road (none of the roads were closed to traffic) so trying to maneuver past other runners whilst keeping to the left so not to get hit by the cars was fun. The first 2 miles were a long slow hill that I thought was never going to end, the wind was bitter stinging my face, snow was getting in my eyes but on I battled. The brow of the hill was in site and then bliss there was a fantastic down hill which everyone barreled down. I had worked out I had to maintain 12 minute mile pace for the 20 miles to finish bang on 4 hours so I was taking this downhill as an advantage and busted out a 9:30 min mile get some spare in the bank for later.

We were then diverted to the left and this took us onto country lanes still not closed to traffic and some people in the cars were complete toss pots getting too close, revving the engines or honking horns. Faced with more hills my pace slowed and I had to walk up some of them as I kept going light headed when I tried to push too hard up them. I finally got my music playing properly at this point which helped massively. I found a pacer in the form of a lady running just ahead so I stayed close when realised she was maintaing 10 min miles really well so stuck on her heels and found we were both walking the hills. I lost her a few times when she stopped at the drink stations but she soon found her way in front of me again and I felt comfortable just following. At mile 5.5 I got lapped by the previously mentioned Andi Jones! WOW he was running uber fast!!!! Lapped at 5.5miles shocking. (He actually finished the 20 mile course in 1 hour 43 minutes and yes he did win)

 Mile 6 I had a good burst, felt good and like it was easy that lasted I think around 1 mile then I felt rubbish again. The first loop was just over 8 miles and I was under the impression it was a 3 lap race but even my maths isn't that bad so I couldn't work out how the route was going to pan out. I saw Nigel, Sharons husband just before the end of the first loop and he told me Sharon & carl were way out in front and going well.  The second loop tricked me, we started up the same route as before up the long arduous hill for 2 miles and just as iIwas looking forward to the big downhill we got diverted off down a different route. Mile 11 I was sick and have no idea why and then at mile 14 I hit the dreaded wall, I actually decided I didn't want to run anymore, not just this race but run ever again! I really struggled with the demon in my head then but remembered I am Wonder Runner. I always wonder why I do these races then at the end wonder what all the fuss was about!

The second loop was much nicer in terms of not so many hills or so I thought but looking back on Garmin elevation I seem to be wrong!  The final two loops were 6 miles each. At mile 17 I felt sick again and was struggling to maintain running as after a few minutes I was trying not to be sick and had to adopt a run/walk strategy. Mile 18 was just around the corner and who do I see walking along the opposite side of the road but Carl! He had finished and come back for me, he ran/walked with me the last two miles to the finish and decided at 19.5 miles to tell me the finish isn't all that spectacular lol... thanks carl.

I didn't need to worry about the 4 hour time limit as even with all the hills, snow, wind and being sick I finished in 3 hours 37 minutes! Superb. Next time I'll be aiming for the 1 hour 43 minutes...NOT! We had all done so well Sharon and Carl finished strong and although it was a tough course which we all struggled with and said we wouldn't do again we had a brilliant day.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Wyre Forest 10k

I am probably the only person mad enough to have both feet tattooed the day before a 10k race! But that's what I did :-)

I had entered the Wyre Forest 10k for the British Heart Foundation as a bit of a fun run just a warm up for the other races I have entered in March Madness. It wasn't until 8pm the night before that I actually decided I was going to run as was unsure how my feet would fair but with my race number and welcome pack sat on the dining table calling my name how could I resist?

The morning started with me preparing my feet, some cream went on first followed by tissue paper with oxide tape around the edges then a good wedge of cling film wrapped around my feet with more oxide tape securing it in place. The next mission was to squeeze my mummyfied feet into my socks and get my trainers on! I think I deserved a medal just for that part. Feet feeling good and not restricted off I went on the short journey to Wyre Forest.

It was a beautiful morning though abit chilly and I was eager to get going as it was cold. I decided upon arriving that for the sake of my feet I would drop down from the 10k to the 5k and this was quickly sorted. An annoucement had been made that the 10k route wouldn't be able to be run the whole way as some parts were unpassable due to mud and water plus I heard it was a tough hilly route. 5k for me then!  
 It had a comfy starting time of 11am as it's a charity run alot of families with dogs and young children take part. This I am all for, there's nothing better than seeing children taking part in something good and getting fit but I wish people would listen to instructions and follow them. We were advised that the 10k runners start first, 5k runners just behind, walkers after them and anyone with dogs or children start last. Good idea?

Yes...if people followed the instructions. I set off and within 0.1 of a mile I got stuck behind 5 people walking shoulder to shoulder, walking!? Then lots of people with toddlers. Shouldn't they be behind me?? This continued for quite away as these people obviously wanted to start earlier and finish earlier. As soon as I found a way through I was off & pulled out a 9.46 min mile through the woods jumping over tree roots and splashing through mud, I loved it!

Until just after the first mile where I hit the biggest hill I think I have ever seen let alone ran up, nothing for it but to keep my head down get up on toes and take it on. I made it but paid for it at the top when I went really light headed but kept running and taking in how nice the forest was. It makes such a change for me running in woods than on a main road around the local industrial estate. My taking in the beautiful scenery soon came to an end when at mile 2.5 I was faced with what I know now is the biggest hill I have ever seen (the first one was like a speed bump compared to this thing) I admitted defeat and didn't even attempt to run it so a slow walk ensued even a little boy of around 11 was walking so I didn't feel too bad.  I got chatting to a fellow runner/walker called Steve who was also struggling with the mountain. This hill went on for just under 1 mile and when I got to the top my calves were burning and I just couldn't run properly.

Thankfully the ground evened out and I rounded the corner for the finish where I was presented with my lovely cutie medal. A good run and event all around though maybe I should start right at the front on fun runs.