Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Bromsgrove 10k

This race was a last minute jobby for me. After having some health issues and being told I couldn't run for a few weeks it was apparent that I was going to be unable to take part safely in my big races later in the year as there just wasn't enough training days left to run them and enjoy them without injury. I had to pull out of two of my Ultra's and my 24 hour team race which was slightly gutting to say the least. So off I went on the search for smaller races and I came across the Bromsgrove 10k.
Perfect really as it was only a 20 minute drive from home and 6 miles was easily manageable even if I run/walked it. The night before my sister and her partner came over and I ended up having a later night than planned and I hadn't got any of my running stuff laid out ready like usual. As my race number hadn't arrived in the post a duplicate number had been left for me at the race HQ to pick up before 10.30am the morning of the race.
My alarm went off and would you beleive rather than pressing snooze I turned the damn thing off! I eventually woke up at 9.20am!! Still found time to shave my legs though as I didn't want anything to drag me back as I had already realised that not running for a few weeks I wasn't going to get a fast time so every little helps! Throwing on my running gear and racing to the car flapping I made the short journey down the motorway and realised I may have forgot to turn the iron off...not the most well prepared I've ever been for a race so far.  I eventually got to race hq at 10.15am parked up and got my number. We were then led to the start which was a short walk where we stopped at the bottom of a hill, yes a hill. There was no actually start line everyone just gathered in a group and I just followed everyone else when they started running I didn't hear a horn or even someone shouting GO.
Off I went planning on running as much as I could and walking when I had to as after all I wasn't actually meant to be running. The first 2 miles went by really fast the only problem I did have was an issue with drinks. I had bought my camel bak and ultra vest which I always use on training runs even the small ones but I was dubious about how silly I would look wearing a camel bak for a 10k so left it in the car. I'm not used to waiting for drink stations and found I was struggling without water on tap and having to stop and walk through drink stations was a pain the arse!
Still I managed to maintain under 11 minute miles the whole way even with abit of walking and crossed the finish line in 1 hour 5 minutes, I was very pleased considering the little training I had been doing the month before. I was presented with my medal and then caught a whiff of the burgers being cooked on the bbq mmm lovely! Didn't get one though and instead sat in the car for half an hour waiitng to get off the carpark..something I have realised is getting to be a standard part of races.
All in all it was a good event although strange having to drop down from 40 mile races to 6 miles but a race is a race, a medal is a medal and the sense of achievement is just as good.
And incase you were wondering I hadn't left the iron on.

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