This is an interesting one and one I've heard lots of views on....
Treadmill Pros
The surface of a treadmill is more forgiving.
Newer treadmills have a variety of programs so you can do several interval workouts that replicate outdoor terrain even though you're inside.
The moving belt propels your legs, so you're not working as hard as you would running the same speed outside. If you're training for a race, you'll be missing out training in extreme temps, wind resistance, blaring sun, precipitation, and on an uneven surface
One comment that I found on a website was from a person who even though they run outside as well as inside prefer to do their long runs (even in the summer) on a treadmill indoors so they can still get their fix of guilty pleasure television. Why oh why would you not want to be outdoors with the wind around you with mostly pleasurable things to look at? (with the exception of the keved up vauxhall Astra that revs past you at 60mph)
I will run outside come rain or shine hence the picture of me taken after a very wet and windy 3 mile run; by the way if the person who has the tools to make mini window wipers for glasses is reading please get in touch.
So this brings me onto my gym experience today. I have decided that the two days in the week I don't run I maybe want to do something rather than nothing so went to the gym to go swimming. Whilst there I thought why not have a go on a treadmill, I had been on treadmills many years ago but wanted to see what it was like as an avid outside runner.
Three words "I Hated It" to go from putting on your running shoes going out the door and you're off, being able to speed up or slow down without pressing a button to looking down and seeing this........ (also catching a glimpse of the image on the left in the mirror wasn't very pleasing either :)
Don't get me wrong I am rather savvy with technology and had no problems figuring it out, just too many buttons to press and too many flashing lights going on for me to focus on my actual running and even enjoying myself. Yes treadmills are useful and in all honesty I will try it again as the hill training will be very useful rather than driving somewhere to find actual hills!
There is nothing I like more than to go on a run and ask myself " I wonder what's up here? I wonder what is beyond that field" To be restricted to running on a moving belt just isn't my cup of tea really.
Everyone is different so which do you prefer treadmill or pounding the pavements or trails?
No contest in my book. Trails win hands down. Not even a close contest. They are dull, make runs seem twice as long and just dont give you the same experience as being outdoors. I know some people have to use them, but not for me!